Looking For Something!?!

I found Seth the other day looking for the "goodies".
I know have boys when I walk to the pantry and just see feet.
I have a feeling he has done this before, now I know why he is so quiet when looking for a snack!!


Mindy said...

Look how organized your pantry is!!! You have got to stop being so on top of things you are making the rest of us feel really unorganized! Ok, maybe just me.
Oh, and the boys look so cute all ready for school!


That is too funny!

Tanya said...

Ok, you've motivated me to organize my cupboards. I wonder if I'll ever really do it. I can't believe how organized it is!!

Kim Hutchens said...

Ok. I have been saying this for years. You need to become a personal organizer. Start with me! Your home always looks amazing and I don't know how you do it! That picture of Seth's feet is great! I can't believe he is in kindergarten!

Bob said...

That is so funny! I'd do just about anything for a good treat too. And people....check out how neat that pantry is!!!

marilyn said...

You are just like your mom! So organized. That was the first thing I saw. No wonder the boys want to be in there. Everything is so easy to find!